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Meryl is a mermaid with purple-colored hair and a green "fish tail." She increases the drop rate of all guppies in your tank. Meryl is obtained in Tank 2-4.

Meryl the Mermaid


Meryl sings once in a while making your medium and large-sized guppies drop three coins/stars/shells. Other fishes (guppycrunchers, beetlemunchers, carnivores and ultravores) are not affected by Meryl's song, though.


Meryl delights in thrilling audiences around theworld with her virtuoso singing talent. She has never been able to measure up in the eyes of the carnivores or ultravores, though. These fish view her simply as another unoriginal corporate-sponsored pop star. To her critics, Meryl would like to point out that she has never sold out by making a music video.


Meryl is quite useful in the first minutes of the game, where you need money fast. But can be annoying later in the game if you have a lot of guppies in the tank. Pairing her with Seymour, Stinky, Clyde or Nimbus can be of great help in this situation. In Tank 4, she may become useless due to the ultravore's treasure chests, which you will require more. But she is still helpful early in the game.


  • Carnivores and Ultravores view her as an un-original corporate-sponsored pop star, which can be connected to why carnivores and ultravores drop diamonds/treasure chests faster like the guppies.
  • Meryl looks like (or really is) the mermaid in the main menu screen and the mermaid in "The Emporium."