Insaniquarium Wiki

The Sandbox mode can be accessed after getting either the Silver Trophy or the Gold Trophy. Entering the "Konami Code" : up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b , a, at the main menu screen, you will be instantly brought to the Sandbox Mode Tank.

Key Reference

While in the Sandbox Mode, you have the power to spawn any type of fish, pet or alien (except for Cyrax, though). Each has it's own corresponding key in the keyboard.


Guppy - 1

Carnivore - 2

Star Fish - 3

Starcatcher - 4

Guppycruncher - 5

Beetlemuncher - 6

Breeder - 7

Ultravore - 8


Stinky - Q

Niko - W

Itchy - E

Prego - R

Zorf - T

Clyde - Y

Vert - U

Rufus - I

Meryl - O

Wadsworth - P

Seymour - A

Shrapnel - S

Gumbo - D

Blip - F

Rhubarb - G

Nimbus - H

Amp - J

Gash - K

Angie - L

Presto - ;

Bonus Pets

These must be in capital in order to spawn the bonus pets.

Brinkley - A

Nostradamus - S

Stanley - D

Walter - F


Sylvester - Z

Balrog - X

Gus - C

Destructor - V

Ulysses - B

Psychosquid - N

Bilaterus - M

The tank background can be changed with the "+" and "-" keys.
